Fill out as much of the form as you can to enable us to provide you with an acurate quotation. If you need any advice in filling the form out please contact 01376 567999 during office hours and 07872 461854 out of office hours.
*Site Address/Postcode:
Is this a replacement canopy or new installation? ---Replacement CanopyNew Installation
Is the back of the cooking equipment against the wall? ---YesNo
*Length in mm:
*Depth in mm:
*Height in mm:
Type of cooking appliances? ---GasElectricBoth
Please give details of the appliances to be covered by canopy:
If gas equipment is sited under canopy, do you require an interlock panel? ---YesNo
Where does the duct terminate to wall/roof? ---WallRoof
How far is it from the canopy to termination point in mm?
How many bends will be required to reach termination point?
Do you require fresh air input? ---YesNo
Ceiling height where canopy is to be installed in mm:
Room dimensions length x width in mm:
Do you require stainless steel wall cladding? ---YesNo
Cladding length x height in mm:
Do you require planning permission or listed building consent? ---YesNo
If yes please give details:
*Do you require supply and install or supply only? ---Supply and InstallSupply Only
Do you require drawings and assistance to get planning permission?
Any other details or notes that might be helpful:
Attach a drawing or useful file: